Category: composition

Five Tips to Better Photos

With the sudden surge and swell in the blogosphere, Twittersphere and Photosphere over Lightroom 3 hitting the streets (and a nice combo discount is available in the sidebar by the way), let’s not forget that this software is all meant…

Beautiful Bokeh

Over the weekend, I was taking some time to review some new hardware (not done testing yet, so gotta wait there) and I was testing in various types of lighting conditions, and at various burst rates.  During the course of…

Keep on Shootin'!

It’s been a while since an episode of LDP ran, but as we keep on shootin’ our way through life, so to does LDP continue on albeit not as frequently as any of us would like!  Nevertheless, I get caught…

Creating a Monthly Desktop Calendar

I alluded to it yesterday, and have already had several people inquire about the procedure to create this desktop calendar.  It’s really quite clever, and kudos go out to Jeffrey Friedl over on his site for the script: He…

CHDK is Cool!

So, while debating the intervalometer cost implications for my SLR – I decided to give the Canon CHDK a run for its money.  After downloading the CHDK for the A590 and making sure it didn’t break the camera I went…

White Pocket, AZ

Many of you have written in, asking when I am going to post some of the photos taken from the Arizona trip over last weekend.  Wait no longer, for here are some from the trip!  Several of these are potential…

Early to bed, Early to Rise

Makes for a great opportunity to shoot sunrises in Rocky Mountain National Park!  And that’s where the Denver Photo Walk Meetup group is headed again tomorrow.  You’ve seen the video here on the blog for a few months now and…

Talk about cool!

I had the unique pleasure of connecting with none other than Nicole Young (Nicolesy) from TWIP fame recently. We chatted things up quite a bit on Skype…

What is it about Windows?

No, I am not talking about Operating Systems, rather I am talking about a follow-up to yesterday’s photo post with the theme of “Water”.  You see, another recurring theme for me is windows of buildings.  Taken from various angles and…