Category: composition

Did You Know…

This last week has been kind of rough – after teaching in Minnesota on Sat., my whole time schedule was thrown off and I never really have been able to get my body clock back in sync.

Defining your craft – and yourself!

Photography as we know it has changed a lot over the past several years.  The advancements of digital are pretty well-known, and have been written about extensively.  In addition to the nature of the medium, several other factors have come…

For the Birds

One of my annual clean-up sprees happened over the weekend and ran a little long into the week…this was not a task for the light of heart because it requires seriously chimping your own work – and even admitting that…

Book review: Photo Trade Secrets

Zeke Kamm puts together an interesting set of books in Vols 1 and 2 of “Photo Trade Secrets”  This is not your typical book though, so I’m not really sure that a normal review is warranted.  It’s a pretty simple…

Garbage leads to Beauty

Tuesday night is trash night in the Anderson household – and whether mild and comfortable, or sub-zero and bone-chilling, it’s my job to gather all the bags and roll things out to the curb on my appointed night.  Last night…

What I’m Reading

Reading material is a gold mine, not only for inspiration, but for education.  The field of photography is one where you can never know everything there is to know, and there will always be people who see things differently that…