Category: composition

Using On-Camera Flash?

As much as we like to promote moving your flash off-camera, there are times when using that little pop-up flash can be really fun! One such time can be when it’s snowing outside!

The nature of bokeh

I’ve talked about bokeh before, so the concept shouldn’t be new for long-time readers of the blog.  In fact, you may remember I’ve broached this subject several times, here, here, and here. 

Is HDR really cheating?

HDR, or High Dynamic Range, imagery refers to the process of representing a wider range of colors and light in a photo than what can be traditionally captured in a single image with a camera.  There are several ways to…

Creating HDR Panos with PTGui

A while back I had approached a few companies about putting together an article on how to create panoramas.  One of those companies was PTGui – and I’ve finally had a chance to put together a few images through their…