Category: personal

What is it About Rocks?

Hmmm….seems I have a new series theme going on here – people keep asking when the next series will be posted and are also asking me for specific series sets of photos.  I am not sure I have the library…

What is it about Water?

Something about water really draws us as photographers – whether it’s the sunrise on a lake or ocean, the beads of dew on a morning flower, the tears or sweat as they roll down a cheek, or even the implied…

Software Review: PrintKey2000

Many times I have been asked what kinds of software I use to do various things for the blog, especially things like videos, screen captures, audio recording, and all that sort of stuff.  One thing that I’ve never really talked…

Pardon the interruption…

but another drop dead date was today as tomorrow we have our first showing after listing the house on the market.  My task of the day (it seems I am getting more and more of these)…clean the garage.  So, to…

Composition and the Angle of View

We’ve talked a lot about various rules of composition – what they are (Rule of Thirds, Golden Mean, etc) and when to adhere versus eschew them to create dramatic effect.  One thing we’ve not talked much about is the idea…

Challenge yourself!

The field of photography is a very challenging venue and finding your “voice” in a crowded field can often make the task seem daunting.  If you want to challenge yourself in different ways, try something else.  Painting, singing, and yes,…

New Formats for the New Year

With the advent of a new year, the podcast is hopefully going to take on a new format – with things being more conversational.  Erik Bernskiold comes back to the show and we’re talking about all the latest news in…

What's the best ___?

What’s the best camera to buy?  What’s the best Photoshop plugin for photography? What’s the best CS4 tutorial? What’s the best lens for the Vivitar 110? What’s the best iPod for the dollar? What’s the best car? What’s the best…

Favorite Photos of 2009

One of the resolutions I had wanted to do was publish a “Best of” series from the Flickr group each month.  That did not come to pass, but I did want to take some time to share some of my…