Category: personal

Creating a Monthly Desktop Calendar

I alluded to it yesterday, and have already had several people inquire about the procedure to create this desktop calendar.  It’s really quite clever, and kudos go out to Jeffrey Friedl over on his site for the script: He…

What makes you a professional?

Photography has become a huge industry, within a very short period of time relative to the presence of the field.  Think about it – the technology to capture images has been around since the 1800’s with the first pinhole cameras,…

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Not sure if you all remember when we moved a while back, and our first day in, the next door neighbors called Animal Control because our dog was following us in and out of the house as we unloaded.  It…

What's In Your Backyard?

Remember the interview I did on a podcast a while back with Andie Smith?  One of the things we talked about was that you don’t really have to travel a whole lot to be a travel photographer – that sometimes…

No Blog Thursday…

My cold is still nagging me and after taking care of some administrative stuff for the blog and our upcoming house closings, I simply did not have the energy to complete my last project of the day (I’ve got to…

Ammo in the armaments

Last night the DALPUG (Denver Area Lightroom Users Group) had their bi-monthly meeting and host Brian Reyman walked us through some of the features of the Lightroom 3 Beta.  It was a gret seminar and offered an opportunity for many…

Building the Perfect Camera, Pt. 1

One of the more recent episodes from the guys over at This Week in Photography had them wrapping up their coverage of PMA, where they talked tech about all the latest cameras to come out from the various vendors.  Canon…

Photobet Soup

Just an exercise in silliness today, but I thought I would share some of the acronyms that I’ve learned in this zany field of photography.  Let’s see how many we can come up with collectively.  Do you know all the…

The Moment it…"Oops"!

We all know the real phrase, made famous by none other than Joe McNally, and his well-received book “The Moment it Clicks””…(and a great read, so go check it out if you haven’t already).  However, that’s just Joe… I seem…

What is it about Bridges?

As the popularity of this theme continues to grow, I am really having more fun culling through my own archives, and have several ideas for actually getting out and shooting even more “themed” sets.  However, today, I present to you…