Tag: tricks

5 Tips to Better Landscapes

The most common questions I get here on the blog center around the idea of how to take better pictures.  Whether those “better pictures” are better landscapes, or portraits, wildlife or events, everyone wants suggestions on how to approach the…

The Un-review Software

This week I am going to talk about the lack of software in the weekly software review.  That’s right – the lack of it! You may be sitting there wondering which software item I am going to talk about, promote,…

And from the Bag of Tricks…

Wow – it’s been a crazy couple of weeks: Interview of Tom Hogarty over at Adobe, to the generous donation of a copy of Photoshop Lightroom for a contest (only two days left!) A 3 minute clip on The Tech…

Say Cheese?

Ever wonder why we’ve heard photographers say that when taking your picture?  Think about what happens when you do – your facial features open up, your mouth opens slightly, and you get a little upward curvature in the corners of…

How do you like to sound?

In preparation for the next podcast, due in no small part to a technical difficulty with Garage Band, I’ve set up a dedicated computer and recording space (call it my dedicated recording studio) and the audio quality is off the…

Tuesday Tricks

Orange Jason Moore has his bi-monthly Photographic Compostion posted today, so be sure to stop over there and see the others (I am sure they were more creative than the one I came up with at the last minute yesterday…)…