Tag: photography

Painting with Light

About a year ago, Joe McNally gave a talk at Google where he referenced the roots of the word photography.  The two roots are photo and graphos, and the meanings are light and write.  We so often hear of people…

Seven Super Summer Tips

Since the podcast went live yesterday, the compositional theme was kind of put on the back burner, so I’d like to bring that back to the forefront today with something everybody likes…a list! For some reason lists of bullet points…

Steady as She Goes…

This first day after a long Memorial weekend, things are a little slow out of the starting gate, but as luck would have it, slow and steady is the theme for today, because my gear review that I postponed from…

Photography Secret #1249871

There are so many tricks and little tips to taking better photos – it often seems like millions, doesn’t it?  Well, it does to me.  I thought of one last night that thought the listening audience might enjoy.  This one…

Say Cheese?

Ever wonder why we’ve heard photographers say that when taking your picture?  Think about what happens when you do – your facial features open up, your mouth opens slightly, and you get a little upward curvature in the corners of…

The Sigma 70mm Macro

Next up in my gear bag is the Sigma 70mm Macro lens.  This is one sweet lens.  With an aperture that goes down to f2.8 this is legally classified as “fast glass”.  It’s got some super nice bokeh, and has…

Photo Contest – Win Adobe Lightroom

Happy Saturday all.  It’s a rare weekend post here – since Friday was silent.  Two things – first off, Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there!  Second, as the podcast on Tuesday announced, don’t forget the first ever…

Creative Vision – or not!

When looking at image composition, many of the things we use as our foundation are the typical rules of the trade – things like the the Rule of Thirds, Sunny 16, Golden Mean, etc., etc., etc.  While these rules are…

Comparison photos from 10-22mm

Earlier this week on the blog, the 10-22mm Canon was reviewed, and in the comments, Julie asked if I could provide some comparison shots.  So, in the interests of demonstrating the perspective change (and provide a few sample shots of…