Tag: Giveaway

Lightroom 3 Q&A (Beta)

What a great day to release a new podcast – with the final release of LR coming out very soon, I had the distinct opportunity to talk with Rob Sylvan, author of LR2 for Dummies, and the forthcoming Taking Stock. …

Photo Montage Tuesday

Normally, I start the week with either a hardware review, a software review, or something along those lines, but there’s a couple things that have bumped the traditional schedule.  So, check these tidbits out to start the week: First off,…

And the Oscar Goes to…

Okay, it’s not an Oscar, nor an Emmy, but the LDP Monthly Giveaway is sufficiently popular that selecting winning images is very tough.  Here’s what happens once the contest is closed:

December Winner!

The trumpets sound!  The chorus rings, and the internet shall stop and take notice! Why you ask?  We have a winner for the December Giveaway!  I am happy to announce that the winner of the December Giveaway Bonanza is none…

Last Minute Gift Guide

Is your shopping done?  Mine isn’t – I am going to be braving the stores tomorrow for some last minute ideas I had that popped in my head over the weekend.  Unfortunately for Tracy, she is not a photographer, so…

December Giveaway News

A few days late, but the year-end giveaway is quite exciting as there is just a ton of good stuff going into this giveaway.  Here’s the inside skinny on what the winner is going to walk away with in December:…

November News

Another month goes into the archives as we enter November for 2009.  Here at the CB/LDP headquarters though, that means it’s announcement time for a couple of things, not the least of which is the latest contest news, the October…

Wacom Winner!

For those of you that don’t follow the twitter news and stuff, you may not know that I cut a finger pretty badly late last week.  A visit to the doctor on Thursday pretty much confirmed that I needed to…

Contests and Giveaway News

Lots to cover today, so rather than banter, let’s get to the news about all the contest stuff going on: The Comment Contest Talk about a huge success – had enough feedback and ideas in this one post to really…