Tag: Contest

November News

Another month goes into the archives as we enter November for 2009.  Here at the CB/LDP headquarters though, that means it’s announcement time for a couple of things, not the least of which is the latest contest news, the October…

Photo Framing Follow-up

After the blog post on Wednesday, and the number of comments received, I thought that the next podcast would be well served to discuss the idea behind matting and framing in more detail.  As luck would have it, that podcast…

Peruse your archives

First off, I’d like to extend a big time “Thanks” to Andie Smith for bravely stepping up to the plate and delivering a home run of a first Guest Blogger post.  With 17 responses to her post, it is already…

Wacom Winner!

For those of you that don’t follow the twitter news and stuff, you may not know that I cut a finger pretty badly late last week.  A visit to the doctor on Thursday pretty much confirmed that I needed to…

And the winner is…

Ladies and Gentlemen, Here today, I am happy to announce that the winner for the OnOne Software Plugin Suite Giveaway has been decided.  So, without further ado, please give it up for Pete Petersheim!  Pete submitted the following image to…

Exposure Denver Presentation

Tomorrow I will be speaking at a local photo club’s monthly meeting – Exposure Denver.  It’s quite an honor and my first time presenting in any way so we’ll see how it goes.  I’m sure the photogs there will have…

Contest Updates

Today I thought it would be appropriate to take a moment and give some contest update announcements. First off, don’t forgot the OnOne Software Plugin Suite contest that is going on all month.  Share your images over in the Flickr…