The never-ending tease…

With the company annual meeting coming up this week, I have been very busy with work-related stuff, that has only permitted me short bouts of time to do personal things, so I have not had a chance to record the…

And the countdown begins…

With today being December 1st, the countdown has officially begun until Christmas.  Of course, retailers began counting even before Halloween this year as they try to stretch this season of spending out as far as they can, but with now…

Be Careful With Contests

While doing the annual purging of the tryptophan ritual ysterday I came across Photojojo, which listed 12 contests on their website.  As usual, appropriate disclaimers were given as you may or may not surrender your copyrights to images even for…

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Football, Turkey, tryptophan…lots of great stuff going on today.  Enjoy the time with families, and we’ll see you back here tomorrow (maybe).  That’s it for today, so this can be considered a “No Blog Thursday”…

What’s This – Week 20

We took a week off last week from the mystical photo posting of “What’s This?”, but I am happy to say it’s back again today.  Here’s a slow pitch one for everyone as we stop thinking about photography and start…

Money, Socializing, and Freebies!

Hey all, welcome to the Tuesday blog post for CB – today the latest in the Canon Blogger Digital Podcast Series is up for your mobile listening pleasure. It turns out I can ramble on for quite a bit as…

The cost of doing business…

Recently I was participating in a thread in one of the photo communities that I enjoy, and the subject of the cost of doing business came up.  I decided to take a serious look into the costs associated with being…