Can ordinary be interesting?

A while back I took Tracy out for an afternon/evening in Denver.  I agreed to leave my camera behind, but in case she wanted to catch a moment for posterity’s sake, I grabbed the P&S one she asked for as…

The Power of Action

Until this last weekend, I had very limited experience with astrophotography.  The concepts and techniques of the field are well documented, and I have read several articles on the subject.  What this last weekend demonstrated to me, (and what I…

Long Weekends Rule!

A long weekend is always a good thing.  When you combine that with the ability to literally “get away from it all”, they are even better.  I had the great fortune of being able to secure an idyllic getaway cabin…

Let Me Count the Ways…

A Hallmark Holiday will be upon us tomorrow here in the U.S.  The flower, chocolate, and teddy bear industries probably generate at least half (if not more) of their annual revenue from this weekend alone.   As a photographer, you can…

Thursday Thoughts with… Andrew Rodney

This is an historic day for CB, because our next guest here for the Thursday Thoughts series takes thing to a whole new level of quality information.  Our guest this week is none other than Andrew Rodney.  He has agreed…

Wanna Get Lucky?

How many times have you seen a picture where it just made you say “WOW!  I wish I could capture something like that!”  And, you ask the person, “How’d you get that shot?”  Typically you’ll get an answer like “Just…

Recommended Reading

Ever get the feeling that you are spending too much time at the computer, but you still are thirsting for knowledge? Well, for those of us that grew up before then internet, we had these great things called books! It…