A Few From the Fire House

Nothing tip-related, tutorial-esque, or educational today, just thought I’d share some photos from one of the local photo clubs I participate in regularly.  One of our members is the on-staff photographer, and was able to get us permission to take…

Spring Photo Projects

With Spring in the air (if not already sprung), many of us are out and about brimming with photo ideas after being couped up for a chilly winter.  What’s that you say?  No photo projects brimming yet?  No problem –…

8 Megapixels…

When I first transitioned to digital photography seriously, my camera of choice was the Canon Rebel XT. In that camera I found a whopping 3 frames per second, 8 megapixels, and a host of other features and benefits that go…

Everything Old is New Again

Let’s face it.  The economy is still not the powerhouse it was five years ago.  We’re all still reeling a little bit and saving money is at a premium, while spending excessively is a luxury only for those with deep…

Do you Have Your Torx in Order?

  So, after years and years of advice and instruction on maintaining hard drive redundancy, and the benefits of upgrading from time to time, I finally am following my own advice and upgrading my venerable Macbook Pro.  After a screamingly…

That Face!

Last week I wrapped things up with three tips for posing your subjects better, and boy did that launch a flurry of questions…so many that I think the next podcast will be dedicated to tips on posing your subjects.  There’s…