Category: web links

Friday Fab Five

For something new here on the blog, I thought it might be fun to share some of my favorite keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop.  The idea here is that people will share their top five in the comments area and we…

Say Cheese?

Ever wonder why we’ve heard photographers say that when taking your picture?  Think about what happens when you do – your facial features open up, your mouth opens slightly, and you get a little upward curvature in the corners of…

When it rains, it pours!

Well, yesterday I had a great conversation with Tom Hogarty, senior Product Manager for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for inclusion in the upcoming podcast.  In my excitement to finish the post production side, I came downstairs at 3am to my man-cave,…

How do you like to sound?

In preparation for the next podcast, due in no small part to a technical difficulty with Garage Band, I’ve set up a dedicated computer and recording space (call it my dedicated recording studio) and the audio quality is off the…

News and Updates

Just a few little tidbits for everyone today: The “Name Your Dream Assignment” is in full swing – you can describe your ideal dream photo assignment and with enough votes (it’s entirely a popularity contest) you could win $50,ooo toward…

News, Artists, and Inspiration

Welcome to the show notes for week #17 of Learning Digital Photography.  Here’s the show notes for this week’s podcast… First off, I’ve done some further tweaking to give a little more consistency and structure to the show for your…