Category: Uncategorized

Free 3d Photo Maker

I don’t often do a weekend post, but every once and a while, and since I have reduced the blogging schedule somewhat, figured I’d share this little nugget here today. A friend told me about a site that produces tons…

Sharing your photos online

Posting your photos online has become an almost expected step in becoming known as a photographer.  People want to see your website.  You are judged on not only the quality of the photos but the quality of the website as…

Thank goodness for the blog!

Ever have one of those days where you know that you are doing something wrong with your gear – but for some reason it’s just not clicking (so to speak)?  I had just such a day recently.  I still have…

ExpoImaging Rocks

Wanna know why they rock?  I’ll tell you!  As you already know, the February contest has ended and the winner was announced yesterday here on the blog.  Well, due to some extenuating circumstances, the gallery print was unavailable as the…

37 out of 52

Can anyone guess the significance of the post title right off the bat?  Any takers at all?  For those that could, cool!  For those that can’t, 37 is a reference to the last podcast for 2009!  Episode #37 (Longevity of…

The Life of a Lens

Yesterday we looked at things to consider when getting a new camera body…while the idea is all well and good, lenses are another story, and since we are likely to invest more in glass than in cameras (Have you seen…

How To Make Your Pictures Sing!

While recently listening to This Week in Tech (a great podcast, and I highly recommend it), the show host, Leo Laporte, made an interesting observation about the advancement of technology.  He was musing about the changes that have happened in…