Category: technical

Selective Color, Part III

The Tuesday tutorial for this week is the final installment in making selections based on a specific color, or range of colors. The first demonstrated how to use the Magic Wand and Lasso tools to copy an item onto it’s…

Weekly Web Walk

As promised, here’s my weekly walk around the web…although I must admit the tune “Window on the World” as sung by Jimmy Buffet is running through my head now. Anyway, to get things started, the PMA show for 2008 was…

Printing your pictures online

I know it’s unusual for me to make posts on the weekends, but I felt this subject warranted an extra post.  One of the things that’s always a hassle to deal with is taking your prints from not only the…

Selective Coloring: Method #1

The task of selecting a single object in an image to highlight by means of leaving that color intact while altering the surrounding elements is nothing new to photography…and there are several ways to do this, with varying levels of…

Wednesday Weblinks

As I corrected the missing links from yesterday’s podcast, I started surfing my usual photo sites, and I came across this neat site sponsored by Kingston, called Icons Of Photography (IOP). Four well-known photographers offer up their professional albeit short…

Maintenance Post

Tonight around midnight, the blog may go offline briefly or look a little funny as I go through some maintenance updates on the blog, both from the WordPress side, as well as some of the plugins.  For those who have…