Category: Photoshop

Life Lessons (and a tutorial)

The last week has been an interesting one… I got a call at work saying that my wife was at the doctor’s office and they were transferring her to the hospital as a precautionary measure for some elevated blood pressure…

Type Tool presets

On the heels of the last tutorial, this week, the focus shifts to pre-sets. While Photoshop is not the best program for creating style sheets for text, the presets can make things easier if you want to re-use the same…

Type Tool Tricks

Today’s treat talks truthfully to type tool tricks! Terrific! I love alliteration, in case you couldn’t tell! All joking aside, since shorter videos seem to generate more interest (5 minutes or less), I’m trying to keep it under 5 minutes…

Sharpening in LAB Mode

That’s right, the podcast is done…this is part deaux of what will likely be a three part series that speaks to my work flow in LAB mode. The first tutorial dealt with curves and luminance adjustments in the LAB color…