Category: Adobe

Adobe’s DNG Converter

For many of us, an upgrade of one element in our tool kit comes with many unforeseen consequences and additional expenditures.  Just as a new camera body can necesitate the need for larger memory cards, hardware upgrades can also come…

News, Artists, and Inspiration

Welcome to the show notes for week #17 of Learning Digital Photography.  Here’s the show notes for this week’s podcast… First off, I’ve done some further tweaking to give a little more consistency and structure to the show for your…

License Lockout

First off, a bit of quick news about the blog in general:  the layout has changed.  Can anyone tell the difference?  It’s a rather significant one, so hopefully it won’t go unnoticed! 🙂  Chime in and that’s your chance at…

The Meat is in the Maintenance

With another week come to a close, I got a late start in recording and putting together the podcast for today, so it’s going up a tad late.  However, as the old saying goes, good things come to those who…

When it rains, it pours!

After my post on Monday, with the Best 8 of 2008, CB saw quite a bit of activity, first from some very generous links back from none other than Scott Kelby and Jeff Revell of Photoshop Insider and Photowalk Pro…

Friday Format Frustrations

Recently I purchased the Canon FS-100 camcorder as I’ve become interested in trying my hand at a little videography (nothing too fancy, just some home movies for sharing with family and friends, but I admit, the idea has been in…

Feathered Friday…

A happy feathered Friday to all!  Permit me to explain…recently the subject of egrets became a popular tangent in a photo forum that I actively participate in, and after some fun dialog, I shared a few shots from work I…