Category: Lightroom

Adobe’s DNG Converter

For many of us, an upgrade of one element in our tool kit comes with many unforeseen consequences and additional expenditures.  Just as a new camera body can necesitate the need for larger memory cards, hardware upgrades can also come…

News, Artists, and Inspiration

Welcome to the show notes for week #17 of Learning Digital Photography.  Here’s the show notes for this week’s podcast… First off, I’ve done some further tweaking to give a little more consistency and structure to the show for your…

HDR, Web links, and a podcast!

So, this last weekend I went on the photo meetup group outing for the month of February into Eldorado State Park, south of Boulder, and had many an opportunity to capture some landscape and macro work. Some great views were…

The Meat is in the Maintenance

With another week come to a close, I got a late start in recording and putting together the podcast for today, so it’s going up a tad late.  However, as the old saying goes, good things come to those who…

Camera Profiles

So, today I had the day off work, and was catching up on a few things.  I read through most of my piled up photo magazines, caught up on some NAPP tutorials, and some overdue email replies to various asundry…

Slideshow Secrets

As I thought about the tutorial for today, I pondered doing a quick set of tips for Photoshop, like CTRL+J for a duplicate late, CTRL=ALT+SHift+E to stamp all visible layers on to a new layer, and other such trinkets.  While…