Category: potd

Pardon the interruption…

but another drop dead date was today as tomorrow we have our first showing after listing the house on the market.  My task of the day (it seems I am getting more and more of these)…clean the garage.  So, to…

Composition and the Angle of View

We’ve talked a lot about various rules of composition – what they are (Rule of Thirds, Golden Mean, etc) and when to adhere versus eschew them to create dramatic effect.  One thing we’ve not talked much about is the idea…

5 Tips to Better Landscapes

The most common questions I get here on the blog center around the idea of how to take better pictures.  Whether those “better pictures” are better landscapes, or portraits, wildlife or events, everyone wants suggestions on how to approach the…

December Winner!

The trumpets sound!  The chorus rings, and the internet shall stop and take notice! Why you ask?  We have a winner for the December Giveaway!  I am happy to announce that the winner of the December Giveaway Bonanza is none…

Flickr Plugin for Lightroom

While recently participating in a Photowalk group outing to Rocky Mountain National Park, with the fellow local photogs, I learned about this great little plugin for Lightroom that allows you to export your photos directly to Flickr…all within Lightroom!  It’s…

The Beauty of Bokeh Revisited

I know – the blog has not gotten much attention lately.  My apologies – but after the job loss, and pounding the pavement, my schedule has tightened up considerably, so the “planned posts” have pretty much been exhausted as I…

December Giveaway News

A few days late, but the year-end giveaway is quite exciting as there is just a ton of good stuff going into this giveaway.  Here’s the inside skinny on what the winner is going to walk away with in December:…

Let Me Light the Way

It’s kind of funny how things go in circles.  As a regular reader of the Strobist website (as I am sure many of you are), I found it interesting that David was covering the RayFlash from ExpoImaging and comparing it…

November News

Another month goes into the archives as we enter November for 2009.  Here at the CB/LDP headquarters though, that means it’s announcement time for a couple of things, not the least of which is the latest contest news, the October…