Category: photography

Using On-Camera Flash?

As much as we like to promote moving your flash off-camera, there are times when using that little pop-up flash can be really fun! One such time can be when it’s snowing outside!

I Resolve To…

Happy Tuesday to all!  As we wind down the Year of the Tiger (2010 was the Year of the Tiger according to the Chinese Calendar), I find myself, as always, looking at the events of the past 365 days, and…

About Last Night…

The first lunar eclipse to occur on the winter solstice occurred.  It’s the first time it’s happened in 600 years…and apparently won’t happen again for another 400 years.  I had two strokes of luck with this amazing astronomical event: #1…

Did You Know…

Over the weekend I was down in Tucson, spending some time with the in-laws, and during the getaway, had a chance to catch up on some overdue reading in my monthly magazine stack (it has been growing steadily lately as…

Cameras for Christmas? Not so fast!

It’s no secret that prices for things tend to adjust based on the season.  For instance, gas grills are cheaper in the winter, as are fans, air conditioners, and pool chlorine.  Conversely, sweaters, warm clothing, and snow shovels can be…