Category: photography gear

Rituals – Cleaning your Gear

Rituals are an important part of many cultures and belief systems. Yet rituals can also be patterns of behavior. We drive the same way to work every day, we tend to eat similar meals from one week to the next,…

Monday Morning Travel Recap

Well, the weekend was a cornucopa of Denver tourism. We left SC at the not-so-bright hour of 5am and arrived in Denver by 10. That gave us time to make the last tour of Invesco Field. As a dyed-in-the-wool Bronco…

Weekly Web Walk

As promised, here’s my weekly walk around the web…although I must admit the tune “Window on the World” as sung by Jimmy Buffet is running through my head now. Anyway, to get things started, the PMA show for 2008 was…

Wednesday Weblinks

As I corrected the missing links from yesterday’s podcast, I started surfing my usual photo sites, and I came across this neat site sponsored by Kingston, called Icons Of Photography (IOP). Four well-known photographers offer up their professional albeit short…

Weekly Web Gems

Usually I will put some stuff together while at work for posting when I get home, but today was rather busy, so this is going to be off the cuff. I just sat down and hit my blog list (see…

Wednesday Web Links

Having travelled during the recent holiday, a few photography-related issues came up during my travels.  First off, was the procedures used to handle photography equipment.  While travelling, my gear list included the following:  Apple Macbook Pro  Canon Rebel XT  Canon…

An amateur audio adieu and adios

Funny store I thought would be worthy of sharing on the blog today… As a blogger about photography, the last position I thought I would do is find myself in is spending my hobby monies on audio equipment, but… since…