Category: education

Five Tips to Better Photos

With the sudden surge and swell in the blogosphere, Twittersphere and Photosphere over Lightroom 3 hitting the streets (and a nice combo discount is available in the sidebar by the way), let’s not forget that this software is all meant…

Migrating Photoshop to a New Computer

Over the past three years or so, I’ve had several people ask me about what’s involved in migrating from one installation of Photoshop to another, or what’s involved in moving from an old system to a new system.  With Photoshop,…

Keep on Shootin'!

It’s been a while since an episode of LDP ran, but as we keep on shootin’ our way through life, so to does LDP continue on albeit not as frequently as any of us would like!  Nevertheless, I get caught…

Adobe CS5 FAQ

Ever since Adobe announced the impending release of the latest Creative Suite 5, there have been many questions circulating in various online communities and outlets.  Although I was not one of the beta testers, I’ve been following the developments rather…

CHDK is Cool!

So, while debating the intervalometer cost implications for my SLR – I decided to give the Canon CHDK a run for its money.  After downloading the CHDK for the A590 and making sure it didn’t break the camera I went…

What is it about Bridges?

As the popularity of this theme continues to grow, I am really having more fun culling through my own archives, and have several ideas for actually getting out and shooting even more “themed” sets.  However, today, I present to you…

What is it About Rocks?

Hmmm….seems I have a new series theme going on here – people keep asking when the next series will be posted and are also asking me for specific series sets of photos.  I am not sure I have the library…

5 Tips to Better Landscapes

The most common questions I get here on the blog center around the idea of how to take better pictures.  Whether those “better pictures” are better landscapes, or portraits, wildlife or events, everyone wants suggestions on how to approach the…

Portrait or Landscape

One of the more common questions when it comes to composing images is whether to shoot with the camera oriented in the landscape or the portrait position (horizontal or vertical).  As always, the answer is usually along the lines of…