Category: Creativity

Challenge yourself!

The field of photography is a very challenging venue and finding your “voice” in a crowded field can often make the task seem daunting.  If you want to challenge yourself in different ways, try something else.  Painting, singing, and yes,…

The Best Photo Blogs for 2010

As photographers we are always seeking out new sources of information that can help us with our work – whether it be pixel-crunching sites, creative inspiration sites, or news and trending information sites.  As I go through my RSS feeds…

Favorite Photos of 2009

One of the resolutions I had wanted to do was publish a “Best of” series from the Flickr group each month.  That did not come to pass, but I did want to take some time to share some of my…

How To Make Your Pictures Sing!

While recently listening to This Week in Tech (a great podcast, and I highly recommend it), the show host, Leo Laporte, made an interesting observation about the advancement of technology.  He was musing about the changes that have happened in…