Category: Contest

November News

Another month goes into the archives as we enter November for 2009.  Here at the CB/LDP headquarters though, that means it’s announcement time for a couple of things, not the least of which is the latest contest news, the October…

Don’t Touch that Dial

This week we take a look at the dial on your DSLR – what do they do and is it worth it taking it off the Auto Mode?  Or even putting it into the auto mode?  What are the benefits? …

Photo Framing Follow-up

After the blog post on Wednesday, and the number of comments received, I thought that the next podcast would be well served to discuss the idea behind matting and framing in more detail.  As luck would have it, that podcast…

Blurring Water

An interesting question came cruising through the blog a few days ago.  While the submitter wished to remain anonymous (I asked them if I could share the details, which I always do to encourage any and all questions)…the details of…

Tuesday Top Five Nuggets

In lieu of a software review, today instead just a couple news nuggets for you. First up, the finalists of the $500 giveaway have been determined.  These six finalists are being considered to win a pretty impressive package of stuff…

Covering the Photo Beat

In the latest release of the LDP podcast, a shorter show this week as I prep for some other ventures, but there’s still enough material to really sink your teeth into.  To start things off, Leica released two new cameras…

Wacom Winner!

For those of you that don’t follow the twitter news and stuff, you may not know that I cut a finger pretty badly late last week.  A visit to the doctor on Thursday pretty much confirmed that I needed to…

The Topaz Labs Plugins: Details

Another exciting plugin from the folks over at Topaz is the Details plugin.  This smart little plugin is, well…not so little.  A simple click from the Filters Menu chugs at your processing speed for a good while as it scans,…

Taking it to the next level!

Writing, writing everywhere We all have aspirations of taking our work to “the next level”.  How we define our “levels” of success is largely a personal matter.  Here I am always happy to share my aspirations and goals with the…