Category: Canon

Comparison photos from 10-22mm

Earlier this week on the blog, the 10-22mm Canon was reviewed, and in the comments, Julie asked if I could provide some comparison shots.  So, in the interests of demonstrating the perspective change (and provide a few sample shots of…

Adobe’s DNG Converter

For many of us, an upgrade of one element in our tool kit comes with many unforeseen consequences and additional expenditures.  Just as a new camera body can necesitate the need for larger memory cards, hardware upgrades can also come…

Hardware Review: Canon 10-22mm

Happy Monday to all!  Today is an exciting day here at the blog, because a new schedule of sorts is going to start, both to make reading more enjoyable, and to make writing more planned and easily executed. The reason…

Thursday Thoughts with Kevin Mullins

For those of you that visit the blog regularly, you know that Kevin has been a regular supporter through his kind, thoughtful, and well, supportive comments for the last few months.  We all know that reading blogs of others and…

How do you like to sound?

In preparation for the next podcast, due in no small part to a technical difficulty with Garage Band, I’ve set up a dedicated computer and recording space (call it my dedicated recording studio) and the audio quality is off the…

An Interview with Peggy Dyer…

As you may recall, a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting up with Peggy Dyer, a professional photographer here in Colorado, and I got to learn about her latest project – One Million Faces.  We got a…

News, Artists, and Inspiration

Welcome to the show notes for week #17 of Learning Digital Photography.  Here’s the show notes for this week’s podcast… First off, I’ve done some further tweaking to give a little more consistency and structure to the show for your…

The Meat is in the Maintenance

With another week come to a close, I got a late start in recording and putting together the podcast for today, so it’s going up a tad late.  However, as the old saying goes, good things come to those who…

Not Tuesday but Moo-Day

Tuesdays seem to be daunting days for the podcast, so I may have to adjust the schedule some…I am thinking Fridays in the future, but would welcome suggestions.  For the time being, here’s a couple shout outs and photos for…

Sixteen days folks…

Are you ready for it?  The biggest commercialization of the year is only 16 days away, and retailers desperately need your business so they can keep flying in those corporate jets.  Okay, many retailers don’t do that, but news stories…