Category: Articles

Creating HDR Panos with PTGui

A while back I had approached a few companies about putting together an article on how to create panoramas.  One of those companies was PTGui – and I’ve finally had a chance to put together a few images through their…

Putting Your Best Photo Forward

Yesterday I talked about resources available to find buyers for your work and talked about a great guide, The Photographers Market.  In the post, I mentioned briefly the idea of a query letter, and today, I’d like to take a…

What makes you a professional?

Photography has become a huge industry, within a very short period of time relative to the presence of the field.  Think about it – the technology to capture images has been around since the 1800’s with the first pinhole cameras,…

Must Read – Rangefinder Magazine

We all have our periodicals that we subscribe to, and while differences of opinion abound about which ones are the “best” ones out there, there is always good content available.  One that I subscribe to is “Rangefinder Magazine”, which has…

A Primer on Licensing Your Work

With so many people likely covering the CS5 launch event later today (, I thought I’d take a different tack on things, since the launch really is just talking about when it will be available.  (In other words, everything you…

Trade show transitions…

In the most recent podcast Erik and I talked about several upcoming trade shows, including PMA, WPPI, PSW, and GPP to name just a few.  Lots of acronyms though and it can leave many questions open about which ones to…

How To Make Your Pictures Sing!

While recently listening to This Week in Tech (a great podcast, and I highly recommend it), the show host, Leo Laporte, made an interesting observation about the advancement of technology.  He was musing about the changes that have happened in…

Flickr Plugin for Lightroom

While recently participating in a Photowalk group outing to Rocky Mountain National Park, with the fellow local photogs, I learned about this great little plugin for Lightroom that allows you to export your photos directly to Flickr…all within Lightroom!  It’s…