Category: Announcements

What is it About Rocks?

Hmmm….seems I have a new series theme going on here – people keep asking when the next series will be posted and are also asking me for specific series sets of photos.  I am not sure I have the library…

New Formats for the New Year

With the advent of a new year, the podcast is hopefully going to take on a new format – with things being more conversational.  Erik Bernskiold comes back to the show and we’re talking about all the latest news in…

December Winner!

The trumpets sound!  The chorus rings, and the internet shall stop and take notice! Why you ask?  We have a winner for the December Giveaway!  I am happy to announce that the winner of the December Giveaway Bonanza is none…

Favorite Photos of 2009

One of the resolutions I had wanted to do was publish a “Best of” series from the Flickr group each month.  That did not come to pass, but I did want to take some time to share some of my…

37 out of 52

Can anyone guess the significance of the post title right off the bat?  Any takers at all?  For those that could, cool!  For those that can’t, 37 is a reference to the last podcast for 2009!  Episode #37 (Longevity of…

Episode #36 – The End is Near!

Okay, the end isn’t near, but the end of the year is near, and it’s time to start doing wrap-ups all over the internet and other publications.  Heck, even Time Magazine has a photos of the year, as did Rangefinder,…

December Giveaway News

A few days late, but the year-end giveaway is quite exciting as there is just a ton of good stuff going into this giveaway.  Here’s the inside skinny on what the winner is going to walk away with in December:…

And the Winner Is…

With the November giveaway deadline behind us, it was time to look at all the submissions and pick a winner from the set of entries.  Without further ado, the winner of the November Contest/Giveaway is: The theme for the contest…

How Low Can You Go?

In episode #34 of Learning Digital Photography, we  look at the subject of low light photography.  In these shooting circumstances, you often need to drop your shutter speed pretty low, while shooting with apertures that are relatively open, and high…