Year: 2010

Photoshop Teaser…

The Denver Area Lightroom Users Group (DALPUG) had their bi-monthly meeting tonight, and it was a lot of fun.  Brian Reyman (the leader) gave some great insights on digital asset management and some really cool Lightroom and Photoshop tips and…

Hardware Review: Expodisc

It’s been a while since I’ve done a hardware review, and I realized that when the folks at Expo Imaging had sent me the Rayflash to review, I had also received an Expodisc.  I know I recorded the video for…

Challenge yourself!

The field of photography is a very challenging venue and finding your “voice” in a crowded field can often make the task seem daunting.  If you want to challenge yourself in different ways, try something else.  Painting, singing, and yes,…

New Formats for the New Year

With the advent of a new year, the podcast is hopefully going to take on a new format – with things being more conversational.  Erik Bernskiold comes back to the show and we’re talking about all the latest news in…

What's the best ___?

What’s the best camera to buy?  What’s the best Photoshop plugin for photography? What’s the best CS4 tutorial? What’s the best lens for the Vivitar 110? What’s the best iPod for the dollar? What’s the best car? What’s the best…

All about Brighton, Baby!

Last Friday afternoon the local photography meet-up group for the metro Denver area got together and paid a visit to historic downtown Brighton (about 30 minutes northeast of Denver. It was a fun get-together, and with a smaller than average…

Keeping Your Resolutions!

As with every new year, there is always talk about setting New Years Resolutions – and setting goals is always easy to do, but what about keeping those resolutions?  Sometimes it’s a challenging thing to do, because we either set…

December Winner!

The trumpets sound!  The chorus rings, and the internet shall stop and take notice! Why you ask?  We have a winner for the December Giveaway!  I am happy to announce that the winner of the December Giveaway Bonanza is none…

The Fan Favorites!

In my zeal to get the “Top Ten for 2010” post out yesterday, I realized that the blogs I referenced were a mix of both long-standing favorites and exciting new ones.  What I should have probably done is split the…