Year: 2009

Defining Your Image Composition

Composition in photography can have many origins.  You can take a pretty concrete subject and place it in an interesting environment.  The Rule of Thirds is one that is often used when creating photographic compositions.  Other times, the way that…

Unintended Inspiration

Today I thought I’d share a little “inspirational” series with the readership.  I had taken a break from reading blogs, magazines, news, twitter, forums, and all the other associated activities related to keeping current and learning about photography to actually…

The Meat is in the Maintenance

With another week come to a close, I got a late start in recording and putting together the podcast for today, so it’s going up a tad late.  However, as the old saying goes, good things come to those who…

The Backstory of the Bridge

With what was probably a pretty evident “no-blog” Wednesday yesterday, and what appears to be a no-show for the Thursday Thoughts series this week, I decided to promote the Backstory for next week and share that with the reading audience…

iTunes Tuesday

So, for the feeders that are picking up the podcast from iTunes – I want to apologize.  Apparently there is something that is “not right” with the iTunes feed.  Apple has been very helpful with this (sense the sarcasm here). …

A Dose of Inspiration

For those that are keeping up via feed reader, you may have noticed some Flickr additions over the weekend.  As the “What’s This?” arc came to completion, I thought it might be fun to compile all the images into their…

The Show Must Go On…

While the folks at Personal Life Media continue to work behind the scenes at getting the show re-branded, I’ve been encouraged to keep producing podcasts so, this week, the podcast returns.  I have a couple fun segments including a more…

Crash Taylor Photos

This morning I did get the images from Crash as anticipated, so here is the addendum post for 3 of his favorites.  Thanks again to Crash for taking the time to interview with CB!

Thursday Thoughts with… Crash Taylor

Welcome back, and a happy Thursday to everyone.  My apologies for the apparent “no blog” post yesterday.  Just when you think all is going well, work goes and serves up a crashed server that sidetracks you completely all day.  Needless…

The Boneyard and the Backstory

I realize that photos should stand on their own merit without any back story, but in this case I am making an exception. This island is called Bull Island, and is most well known for the dead tree trunks on…