Year: 2007

More reading materials…

While we are definitely in a digital world, from images and pictures to audio and video podcasts as well as streaming media are the rule rather than the exception, there is always content that is just not deliverable in these…

Type Tool presets

On the heels of the last tutorial, this week, the focus shifts to pre-sets. While Photoshop is not the best program for creating style sheets for text, the presets can make things easier if you want to re-use the same…

What wouldn’t you do?

Out shooting this weekend,  and since the “tips and Tricks” segment is still pending for next week, I thought the readership may enjoy an article for a change of pace.  I wrote this for the local photo club recently, and…

Type Tool Tricks

Today’s treat talks truthfully to type tool tricks! Terrific! I love alliteration, in case you couldn’t tell! All joking aside, since shorter videos seem to generate more interest (5 minutes or less), I’m trying to keep it under 5 minutes…

Largest Print Size

While there are many “rules” to photography, some have more flexibility than others. When composing images people often try to adhere to the Golden Mean Rule, or the Rule of Thirds. However, there is always the matter of subjectivity and…

Sharpening in LAB Mode

That’s right, the podcast is done…this is part deaux of what will likely be a three part series that speaks to my work flow in LAB mode. The first tutorial dealt with curves and luminance adjustments in the LAB color…

Saturday scenes

While I finish out the next tutorial on sharpening in LAB mode, here’s a few tidbits from around the web from this morning.  Popular Photography has a good basic set of guidelines for people on composition and making your photos…