Tag: potd

Using On-Camera Flash?

As much as we like to promote moving your flash off-camera, there are times when using that little pop-up flash can be really fun! One such time can be when it’s snowing outside!

About Last Night…

The first lunar eclipse to occur on the winter solstice occurred.  It’s the first time it’s happened in 600 years…and apparently won’t happen again for another 400 years.  I had two strokes of luck with this amazing astronomical event: #1…

Did You Know…

Over the weekend I was down in Tucson, spending some time with the in-laws, and during the getaway, had a chance to catch up on some overdue reading in my monthly magazine stack (it has been growing steadily lately as…


For those of us who have served, and who still serve, today is a special day for us. Thanks to all my comrades – past, present, and future…

Teaser Alert

A review lens from the folks at Sigma has been getting a good tire kicking here for the last few weeks. I’ve tested it out in a number of environments, including portrait, landscape, and throughout the zoom range.

Water and Light

The idea of writing with light is nothing new to photography, the very word itself means to paint with light (from the Greek photo, meaning light, and graphos meaning write), the most successful photographers through time are ones that have…