Tag: potd

What-s This – Week 7

Kind of funny how moving gives you new perspective on things. While packing and discarding and selling various things we’ve collected over the past 4 years, I wind up seeing things I’ve not seen in a while (or at least…

What’s this? – Week 6

So, any guesses for the latest edition of “What’s This?” Last week, the crop was from some fancy ornate crown molding in a capture from an old plantation house here in SC. It was kind of a stretch as I…

Monday Mindbender

I was catching up on some recent photo magazines and the August issue of Shutterbug had a pretty cool picture. The theme was “Letters”, and people were taking pictures of various letters of the alphabet. Erica Ellis had a very…

Week 2: What’s This?

For Week 2 of “What’s This?” – the image is another typical household object, so, take a gander at the image above, then take a guess in the comments or via email…This is a _____(fill in the blank)! After a…

Look for Lines

For this week’s edition of “Thursday Thoughts”, I’d like to take a look at the subject of composition. We always are striving to enhance our composition, either by understanding the rules of composition better, or by pushing the envelope in…

Creating templates

Hey all, today is tutorial Tuesday, and I share a technique I used recently in creating a calendar template to import client photos in. I could only get about half way through the tutorial before I had to stop (I…