Tag: Photoshop

Adobe’s DNG Converter

For many of us, an upgrade of one element in our tool kit comes with many unforeseen consequences and additional expenditures.  Just as a new camera body can necesitate the need for larger memory cards, hardware upgrades can also come…

Experimenting with Photomatix and HDR

For a while now I’ve been meaning to devote some time to experimenting with HDR – specifically comparing Photomatix and Photoshop in their production of HDR photographs.  The industry preference toward the former is there for a very good reason. …

Too much time in Photoshop?

(Courtesy of the NAPP forums) You know you are spending too much time in Photoshop when: You go into a sandwich shop and order a Gallery Wrap You wonder whether “Reduce Noise” will work on the kids You look for…

HDR, Web links, and a podcast!

So, this last weekend I went on the photo meetup group outing for the month of February into Eldorado State Park, south of Boulder, and had many an opportunity to capture some landscape and macro work. Some great views were…

License Lockout

First off, a bit of quick news about the blog in general:  the layout has changed.  Can anyone tell the difference?  It’s a rather significant one, so hopefully it won’t go unnoticed! 🙂  Chime in and that’s your chance at…

Friday Follies

Another week in the record books, and the poll has changed out.  Since the week pretty much consisted of discussions about noise in your photos, let’s see what people are using in the way of 3rd party plugins.  So, take…