Tag: panorama

Pano Testing

A while back I was doing some testing of new software for displaying larger panoramas on the blog here and came across a site called Momento360. Has anyone heard of this company before? I bet there are some truly spectacular photographs on display there but I’ve not uploaded enough to try to start finding others and sharing! So, in a lame attempt to see how well my photographs convert and then show up when shared, I thought I’d give it a try:

[momentopress url=https://momento360.com/e/u/88c5e3d1c5804283bd1558b79dddcde1?utm_campaign=embed&utm_source=other&utm_medium=other]

This photograph was taken a few years ago when I was down in Panama going from the one side to the other, and we hit the lake at the top between the locks. It was an amazing trip, but am not sure the photograph really conveys it well enough. That said, what I am more interested in right now is the user experience.

Did this work for you when you viewed it? If so, did you view it on a desktop computer, a laptop, or a mobile device? Were you in an app or on a browser like Safari, Chrome, or other? Let me know your experiences here…

Additionally, do you have any particular software programs that you have used for photographing and then sharing panorama photos in your social media streams? What has worked (or conversely, not worked) for you?

Colorado – Not Just Sunsets!

While working through the material for today and next week, a friend called up and asked if I’d be interested in joining him for a stroll through downtown during sunset.  Being one to never turn down a sunset, or a…

Creating HDR Panos with PTGui

A while back I had approached a few companies about putting together an article on how to create panoramas.  One of those companies was PTGui – and I’ve finally had a chance to put together a few images through their…

The Moment it…"Oops"!

We all know the real phrase, made famous by none other than Joe McNally, and his well-received book “The Moment it Clicks””…(and a great read, so go check it out if you haven’t already).  However, that’s just Joe… I seem…

Not Tuesday but Moo-Day

Tuesdays seem to be daunting days for the podcast, so I may have to adjust the schedule some…I am thinking Fridays in the future, but would welcome suggestions.  For the time being, here’s a couple shout outs and photos for…

Denver Area Photowalk

As some of you may recall, Scott Kelby held a worldwide photo walk a few months ago to promote his new book that was coming out on Lightroom 2.  Well, since then several smaller photo walk clubs and groups have…

Some Friday Photos

As promised earlier this week, I finally have some photos to share. In the middle of the drive across country from SC to CO, I stopped a few times and saw some possibilities for panorama shots. Keeping in mind a…