Tag: CS5

Q&A With Matt Kloskowski

Picking up where we left off yesterday with Dave Cross, I’d like to welcome Matt Kloskowski to Canon Blogger and the LDP crowd.  He’s taken time out of his schedule to answer a couple questions about his approach to photography,…

Q&A With Dave Cross!!

That’s right, you read that right – I got a chance to get with none other than the Photoshop Guys and ask a few questions about Photoshop, their own projects, and tackle everything from product preferences to personal projects and…

Migrating Photoshop to a New Computer

Over the past three years or so, I’ve had several people ask me about what’s involved in migrating from one installation of Photoshop to another, or what’s involved in moving from an old system to a new system.  With Photoshop,…

Adobe CS5 FAQ

Ever since Adobe announced the impending release of the latest Creative Suite 5, there have been many questions circulating in various online communities and outlets.  Although I was not one of the beta testers, I’ve been following the developments rather…


You may think the subject is a typo or some sort of gibberish, but it’s not – that’s the length of the latest podcast that just went live over at PLM!  Kerry Garrison (of Camera Dojo notoriety)  is fresh back…

First Lightroom then CS5!

Yesterday Adobe shared the news that they were releasing a second Beta of the upcoming Lightroom 3 – and it’s got a lot of cool new features for us to try out in this public beta, including managing video, point…