Tag: Creativity

Nothing But the Tail Lights

In the course of pursuing creative inspiration, I’ve often found that just picking a subject and sticking with it can be a good exercise in creativity.  Taking something and focusing (no pun intended) on that subject and only that subject…

An exercise in silence…

As creatives, we often can find ourselves just not seeing anything new…even if given a theme to go out and discover.  In times like these, it’s sometimes beneficial to stop looking outward and start looking inward.  I am not talking…

Composition and the Angle of View

We’ve talked a lot about various rules of composition – what they are (Rule of Thirds, Golden Mean, etc) and when to adhere versus eschew them to create dramatic effect.  One thing we’ve not talked much about is the idea…

Photoshop Teaser…

The Denver Area Lightroom Users Group (DALPUG) had their bi-monthly meeting tonight, and it was a lot of fun.  Brian Reyman (the leader) gave some great insights on digital asset management and some really cool Lightroom and Photoshop tips and…

Challenge yourself!

The field of photography is a very challenging venue and finding your “voice” in a crowded field can often make the task seem daunting.  If you want to challenge yourself in different ways, try something else.  Painting, singing, and yes,…

How To Make Your Pictures Sing!

While recently listening to This Week in Tech (a great podcast, and I highly recommend it), the show host, Leo Laporte, made an interesting observation about the advancement of technology.  He was musing about the changes that have happened in…

Cabo Creativity

Last week’s first ever 5-day series of written work “The Five Elements of Control” featured 5 distinct ways in which you can control and increase the impact of your work.  Those elements were through controlling for luminance, color, geometry, context,…

Pick a theme – tell a story

When working on capturing your own creative vision, here’s another useful tip in getting the most out of your work – pick a theme when looking for creative inspiration.  A theme can be a useful cornerstone or building block which…

Martini Memory

Have you ever had some crazy idea for a photo and then realized it might not be as difficult to pull off as you thought?  Something just off the wall, not really something that would ever grow into anything other…

Creative Vision – or not!

When looking at image composition, many of the things we use as our foundation are the typical rules of the trade – things like the the Rule of Thirds, Sunny 16, Golden Mean, etc., etc., etc.  While these rules are…